I am new to Emacs working through the Org-mode beginning at the basics tutorial. The "Working with todo items" part of the tutorial uses a C-c C-v binding. But C-c C-v is not working on my Spacemacs. And it is not listed in describe-bindings:
SPC h d b
pattern: C-c C-v
"Prefix Command" is a keyboard macro.
Macro: P r e f i x SPC C o 2*m a n d
Similar results in emacs mode:
C-h b
pattern: C-c C-v
"Prefix Command" is a keyboard macro.
Macro: P r e f i x SPC C o 2*m a n d
C-c C-v doesn't work in Spacemacs mode nor Emacs mode.
What function is C-c C-v supposed to be bound to?
Is "C-c C-v" deprecated or a typo?
Is there an on-line resource that lists all the default Emacs key bindings?
I am running Emacs 25.2.1 with Spacemacs on Linux.
It used to be bound to org-show-todo-tree
, but the binding was changed back in 2010: C-c C-v
is now a prefix key for various org-babel functions.
You can call org-show-todo-tree
with M-x org-show-todo-tree RET
or you can install your own binding to org-show-todo-tree
(the function is still around); or you can use C-c / t
which shows a sparse tree of TODO items in the current buffer. In this last case, C-c /
is bound to org-sparse-tree
which gives you a bunch of options: t
selects the TODO case, but you might want to experiment with the other options.
EDIT: BTW, I found all this using some git commands in my clone of the org-mode git repo. I used
git log --oneline --grep='C-c C-v'
to find commits that mention that key combo. The actual commit was
commit 3d8b6de2ad00220e164f226fb0dde5ada831d21b
Author: Carsten Dominik
Date: Wed May 12 08:04:27 2010 +0200
Free up the `C-c C-v' key for Org Babel
TODO sparse trees are also accessible with `C-c / t'.
Isn't git wonderful?