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asp.netvb.netfile-uploadfile-permissions Cannot write to App_Data folder, Access is Denied

Typical problem, but I've done everything I can possibly think of to get this to work. I set the NETWORK SERVICE and ASPNET accounts to FULL CONTROL on my PC. I'm using the built-in Cassini web server to test my application, with no luck. I even tried to make a folder outside of the APP_DATA folder, and is still says Access is Denied.

Anyone have any ideas?


  Dim uploadedFile As HttpPostedFile = Request.Files(0)
        Dim len As Integer = uploadedFile.ContentLength
        Dim fn As String = Path.GetFileName(uploadedFile.FileName)
        Dim SaveLocation As String = Server.MapPath("~/Help")
        Dim MyStream As Stream = uploadedFile.InputStream
        Dim input(len) As Byte

        MyStream = uploadedFile.InputStream
        MyStream.Read(input, 0, len)


            Dim newFile As FileStream = New FileStream(SaveLocation, FileMode.Create)
            newFile.Write(input, 0, input.Length)
            'Dim writer As Stream = New FileStream(SaveLocation, FileMode.Create)
        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try


  • Alright, I figured it out. I needed to have the filename in the SaveLocation. Completely missed that.