Is it possible to do something like this, and create an empty function that will later be assignable, because I keep getting an error where i can't call the function that was assigned this is the closest I have gotten
fileprivate class actionButton: UIButton{
var functo = ()
func tapped(functoCall: () ->Void){
this buttons initialized in a function which takes a function as a parameter and passes it on to this button which is a descendent of the class specified above
button.functo = funcToCall()
button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(yes.tapped(functoCall:)), for: .touchDown)
the issue i get is when i try to call self.functo() i get cannot call non-function type
Yes that is possible.
The reason you are getting the error is that the compiler can't know that functo
is in fact a function that is callable. You made it an Any
You just have to cast it (using if let
for example) to a function of the desired type first.
Something like this should get you started:
var myfunc: Any = ()
func test() -> String {
return "Cool"
// Assign any function to myfunc
myfunc = test
// Just cast it to the expected type
if let x = myfunc as? ()->String {
In case the question is just particular to this problem (as a downvoter thinks) you can just type your variable with the signature of your function. This is the trivial case:
var myfunc: ((Any) -> Void)? = nil
Then it is callable when you assign it.