When i Add let say following text into my UILabel,
Lorem, Ipsum, is simply, dummy text of, the printing, and typesetting industry.
Now, let say my UILabel's width is limited but number of lines = 0(unlimited), then it will show the text like:
Lorem, Ipsum, is
simply, dummy text
of, the printing,
and typesetting
Here, you can see that line breaks are done at whitespaces, now i want them to update, and i want line breaks only when there is newline or comma(,) is there. So, How can i Implement that.
My Expected output is
Lorem, Ipsum,
is simply,
dummy text of,
the printing,
and typesetti
ng industry.
Tested solution
Create text
and customText
empty string
let text = "Lorem, Ipsum, is simply, dummy text of, the printing, and typesetting industry."
var customText = ""
Populate customText
by substituting spaces
with non-breakable spaces \u{00a0}
if previous character is not ,
text.characters.enumerated().forEach { (idx, character) in
let prevChar = text[text.index(text.startIndex, offsetBy: max(0, idx-1))]
if character == " " && prevChar != "," {
else {
Create your label and assign customText to its text
let label = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 115, height: 5))
label.numberOfLines = 0
label.text = customText