I have a custom list with approved and not-approved items.
Now I created a workflow that changes the value of one of the fields.
Problem is: After running that workflow, the Approval Status of this item is automatically set to "Pending". But I don't want to change this status.
I tried to switch on/off the checkbox "Automatically update the workflow status to the current stage name" but no effect. I also tried to set the variable inside the work flow:
Set Variable: ApprovStatus to CurrentElement:Approval Status
then Update item in CurrentElement
then Set Workflow Status to Variable: ApprovStatus
Go to End of Workflow
How can I keep the current Approval Status (or set it to the value that it was before)?
When a item is (manually) approved, will it also work then?
I got it! Solution was to use a Sharepoint 2010 workflow instead of 2013:
Set Variable: AprSt to Current Element:Approval Status
Update item in Current Element
If Variable: AprSt not equals 0;#Approved
Set content approval status to Pending with comments
Set content approval status to Approved with comments
Now it works.