I have this
<span class="img-fc">
<img src="https://img1.ibxk.com.br/2017/04/12/12095959053024.png?w=700">
<span class="desc">The image desc is here!</span>
So I used some functions of the API to change the description
<figure>: //span[@class="img-fc"]
<figcaption>: //figure[@class="img-fc"]/span[@class="desc"]
And I get this result in the instant view debug:
> @debug: $body//figure
Debug 1 node:
[0]: <figure class="img-fc"><img src="https://img1.ibxk.com.br/2017/04/12/12095959053024.png?w=700"><figcaption class="desc">The image desc is here!</figcaption></figure>
Instant View successfully generated
But, its not generatig an img with a caption bellow the image.
Here is the result:
First step: convert all <span class="desc">
tag in <span class="img-fc">
tag to <figcaption>
<figcaption>: //span[has-class("img-fc")]//span[has-class("desc")]
Second and final step is convert all <span class="img-fc">
tags to <figure>
<figure>: //span[has-class("img-fc")]