I've had a couple of issues now and I've nearly got the Chatterbot example working for Django running on Heroku.
Here is my example page. https://polar-basin-92507.herokuapp.com/
looking at the log the issue seems to be
OperationalError: no such table: django_chatterbot_statement
Full log https://hastebin.com/mucanobuki.sql
git source https://github.com/gunthercox/ChatterBot/tree/master/examples/django_app/example_app
From what I can tell their example was setup to use sqlite3 but heroku doesn't support that and that I need to somehow switch it over to postgres? Not sure and this is where I'd like some guidance.
You need to setup Postgresql in heroku. Just add these lines in your settings.py file found here
import dj_database_url
db_from_env = dj_database_url.config()