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How to open a watch app from parent iOS app?

I need to open my watch extension from my parent iOS app. I have seen a similar feature implemented in Nike+ Run Club app. ie, When the User taps on Start button in Parent app will open the watch kit extension instantly.


  • As @abjurato said, you can only launch it in a "workout mode"

    import HealthKit
    import WatchConnectivity
    let healthStore = HKHealthStore()
    func startWatchApp() {
        print("method called to open app ")
        getActiveWCSession { (wcSession) in
            print(wcSession.isComplicationEnabled, wcSession.isPaired)
            if wcSession.activationState == .activated && wcSession.isWatchAppInstalled {
                print("starting watch app")
                self.healthStore.startWatchApp(with: self.configuration, completion: { (success, error) in
                    // Handle errors
                print("watch not active or not installed")
     func getActiveWCSession(completion: @escaping (WCSession)->Void) {
        guard WCSession.isSupported() else { return }
        let wcSession = WCSession.default()
        wcSession.delegate = self
        if wcSession.activationState == .activated {
        } else {
            wcSessionActivationCompletion = completion