I am trying to transpose a data set from wide to long. Ive done this is SAS but am new to this. Ideally I want one unique row per ID and code. Not sure if it can be done in one step or multiple, either way would be fine with me. My data looks something like this.
ID code1 code2 code3
1 abc def ghi
1 abc xyz def
2 zyx abc mno
AND I want it to look like
ID Code_concat
1 abc
1 def
1 ghi
1 xyz
2 zyx
2 abc
2 mno
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
The simplest method given that you want to remove duplicates is union
select id, code1 as code_concat from t union
select id, code2 as code_concat from t union
select id, code3 as code_concat from t;