I am having trouble using the scanBleDevices method when passing it a (valid) UUID - the subscribe will never fire. Currently I have a working prototype using the usual android methods of scanning, connecting, read/write, but I want to update my syntax of RxAndroidBle to make things more safe and more easy to read.
Here is my RxAndroidBle implementation - not working / subscribe never fires:
You may be thinking that my UUID is wrong, but here is some alternative implementation that I did using a very stateful previous version - same uuid, this works:
mLeScanCallback will be fired.
I am using RxAndroidBle version 1.2.2 & my phone is a Nexus 6P android version 6.0.1
Some additional info:
If I use scanBleDevices(), no parameters, I can find my desired rxBleScanResult by checking something in the manufacture data, which I will be doing anyway. But I would like to filter on the UUID too to be safe. When I had found my desired package bytes[] I tried to extract my UUID using the (deprecated)
new UUIDUtil().extractUUIDs(rxBleScanResult.getScanRecord())
, but this returned an empty list. And just to nail things down a little more, when I use the old fashioned mLeScanCallback, the above extractUUIDS is also resulting in an empty list.
Thanks for your time!
This is actually a bug in the RxAndroidBle
As one could see in the UUIDUtil
(https://github.com/Polidea/RxAndroidBle/commit/ee59e0ab9ae3c483f5c4f35c7729e9fc2068ee21#diff-c7944d4c01c56adf4e6c67c7f7f737e8) — which is responsible for extracting service UUIDs from bluetooth advertisement — it was lacking of 32-bit UUIDs. The fix is added in a just released version 1.2.3