I'd like to know when .Register()
is performed multiple times. Based on my experiment, below Console.WriteLine
gives same Init
So, does .Register()
check already registered instance and ignore to re-register?
void Main()
// #1
// #2
// Result: #1 and #2 give identical Init value.
public class TestClass
public string Init { get; set;}
public TestClass()
Init = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
If look at source code of Register
method by decompiling it (in case you cannot find \ don't want to bother with actual source code), you will see (with irrelevant parts skipped):
public void Register<TClass>(bool createInstanceImmediately) where TClass : class
Type index = typeof (TClass);
// skipped irrelevant parts
if (this._factories.ContainsKey(index) && this._factories[index].ContainsKey(this._defaultKey))
if (!this._constructorInfos.ContainsKey(index))
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format((IFormatProvider) CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Class {0} is already registered.", (object) index));
} else {
if (!this._interfaceToClassMap.ContainsKey(index))
this._interfaceToClassMap.Add(index, (Type) null);
this._constructorInfos.Add(index, this.GetConstructorInfo(index));
Func<TClass> factory = new Func<TClass>(this.MakeInstance<TClass>);
this.DoRegister<TClass>(index, factory, this._defaultKey);
if (!createInstanceImmediately)
So, if there is already registered factory in _factories
dictionary - it checks if there is constructor info registered for this type and if NOT - throws exception about already registered class. I suppose this is a typo and check should be reversed - if there IS already registered constructor (which you register in else block) - there should be exception about already registered class. But as it is implemented now - it just does nothing when you try to register second time.