I have a dataset which i need to analyse with poisson regression. I try to plot the histrogram of the respons in the same plot as the pdf but i don't find how..
i plot my histogram with the following code:
tot <- mydata[, 1]
and get a nice histogram. To add the pdf i've tried some codes lie the one below:
xlines <-seq(min(tot),max(tot),length.out=100)
lines(x = xlines,y=dpois(xlines,21))
I've tried a few other codes as well but can't find one that works...
Somebody has some suggestions?
You can start working on this code:
tot <- rpois(100,21)
xlines <- seq(min(tot),max(tot),by=1)
histogram(tot, type="density",
panel=function(x, ...){
panel.lines(x = xlines, y=dpois(xlines,21), lwd=2, col="red")