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String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated - how to find which exact insert statement?

I know few similar questions like this has been asked before in SO. But my question is little different. I have a code block similar to this -

     using (DBWebEntities db = new DBWebEntities())
                if (StatusDict != null && StatusDict.Count > 0)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, job_status> kvp in JobStatusDict)
                    { db.AddToEmp_status(kvp.Value); }


As you can see, I am running the db.saveChanges() together for all the insert queries at the end. I am getting the exception for some of the entities. How do I figure out from the exception its happening exactly for which Entity value?

As I checked the innerexception I could only find the stack trace not the entity which caused this.

I am using .NET 4.


  • This how I finally found it out. Hover over 'ex'-> expand System.Data.UpdateException -> Expand 'State Entries' - here you can see a the objects causing this error.