I am installing opencpu on a new windows 10 box. It already runs on two other windows machines.
The library is found but opencpu is not recognized as an object, so the server does not start
> library(opencpu)
Loading config from C:/Users/jake_000/Documents/R/win-library/3.3/opencpu/config/defaults.conf
Loading config from C:\Users\jake_000\AppData\Local\opencpu\opencpu/user.conf
Welcome to OpenCPU!
> opencpu$start(9831)
Error: object 'opencpu' not found
Can anyone suggest what is going wrong here? Hopefully, this is basic human error, but I am at a loss.
It seems Jeroen has recently changed from using opencpu$start()
to ocpu_start_server()
. From the readme:
To start the single-user development server in R:
library(opencpu) ocpu_start_server()
Or to start an App:
As to why you see different behavior between servers, my guess is you (or someone) did a devtools::install_github("opencpu/opencpu")
more recently on one server than the other.