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How to Remove JSESSION ID from URL

I am working with a web application in Tomcat 6 . When I copy the URL and pasted in browser ,a 'jsession' id is added to my URL . For disable this , I used

ContextdisableURLRewriting=true in the context.xml file in the server conf folder and i was able to successfully tested in my localhost .

But when I moved this changes into my actual production server , the issue is still exists . I am bit confused that, why this fix not affect in my production server since this is working in my localhost.can anyone help me on this ? Or please suggest me any other solution to remove 'jseesion id' from url .


  • Probably, it is caused by difference of Tomcat version between your local and production environment. disableURLRewriting has been introduced since Tomcat 6.0.30.