I'm having a issue with zend-db, when I use fetchall()
, the rows return duplicated, for example:
"title" : "Florianópolis",
"neighborhoods" : [ {
"0" : "6",
"1" : "Abraão",
"name" : "Abraão",
"number" : "6"
"0" : "9",
"1" : "Açores",
"name" : "Açores",
"number" : "9"
"0" : "5",
"1" : "Agronômica",
"name" : "Agronômica",
"number" : "5"
As you can see, I'm receiving twice their names and numbers. Here's the method that fetches the information :
public function getNeighborhoodsByCity( $city )
$this -> sql = new Sql( $this -> adapter );
$select = $this -> sql -> select();
$select -> from( $this -> table );
$select -> columns( array( 'number',
'name' ) );
$select -> where( "city = '{$city}'" );
$select -> order( "name" );
$statement = $this -> sql -> prepareStatementForSqlObject( $select );
$result = $statement -> execute() -> getResource() -> fetchall();
catch ( \Exception $e )
throw new \Exception ( 'ERROR : ' . $e -> getMessage() );
return $result;
I would like to know what is generating the 0
and 1
Btw, I'm learning Zf3, so any tips to improve this code are more than welcome!
Thanks in advance!
Honestly, I do not know the reason for the error, but you can solve it like this:
Install the Hydrator packages (if is zf3):
$ composer require zendframework/zend-hydrator
Replace your code :
$statement = $this -> sql -> prepareStatementForSqlObject( $select );
$result = $statement -> execute() -> getResource() -> fetchall();
$statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject ( $select );
$result = $statement->execute ();
if (! $result instanceof ResultInterface || ! $result->isQueryResult ()) {
return [ ];
$resultSet = new HydratingResultSet ( new ArraySerializable(), new ArrayObject() );
$resultSet->initialize ( $result );
return $resultSet;
Include de packages in header file:
use Zend\Db\ResultSet\HydratingResultSet;
use Zend\Stdlib\ArrayObject;
use Zend\Hydrator\ArraySerializable;