The goal is to round the corners of an unconventional grid similar to the following:
Instead of a grid with four corners like a conventional grid, these grids have multiple corners in need of rounding.
The brute force approach would be to identify tiles with corners exposed then round those corners either with a different background image or by clipping the corners in code.
Is there a cleaner approach?
The grid is rendered for an iOS app in a SpriteKit SKScene.
What we did was lay out the tiles then call this function to round the nodes of exposed tiles.
// Rounds corners of exposed tiles. UIKit inverts coordinates so top is bottom and vice-versa.
fileprivate func roundTileCorners() {
// Get all tiles
var tiles = [TileClass]()
tileLayer.enumerateChildNodes(withName: ".//*") { node, stop in
if node is TileClass {
tiles.append(node as! TileClass)
// Round corners for each exposed tile
for t in tiles {
// Convert tile's position to root coordinates
let convertedPos = convert(t.position, from: t.parent!)
// Set neighbor positions
var leftNeighborPos = convertedPos
leftNeighborPos.x -= tileWidth
var rightNeighborPos = convertedPos
rightNeighborPos.x += tileWidth
var topNeighborPos = convertedPos
topNeighborPos.y += tileHeight
var bottomNeighborPos = convertedPos
bottomNeighborPos.y -= tileHeight
// Set default value for rounding
var cornersToRound : UIRectCorner?
// No neighbor below & to left? Round bottom left.
if !isTileAtPoint(point: bottomNeighborPos) && !isTileAtPoint(point: leftNeighborPos) {
cornersToRound = cornersToRound?.union(.topLeft) ?? .topLeft
// No neighbor below & to right? Round bottom right.
if !isTileAtPoint(point: bottomNeighborPos) && !isTileAtPoint(point: rightNeighborPos) {
cornersToRound = cornersToRound?.union(.topRight) ?? .topRight
// No neightbor above & to left? Round top left.
if !isTileAtPoint(point: topNeighborPos) && !isTileAtPoint(point: leftNeighborPos) {
cornersToRound = cornersToRound?.union(.bottomLeft) ?? .bottomLeft
// No neighbor above & to right? Round top right.
if !isTileAtPoint(point: topNeighborPos) && !isTileAtPoint(point: rightNeighborPos) {
cornersToRound = cornersToRound?.union(.bottomRight) ?? .bottomRight
// Any corners to round?
if cornersToRound != nil {
t.roundCorners(cornersToRound: cornersToRound!)
// Returns true if a tile exists at <point>. Assumes <point> is in root node's coordinates.
fileprivate func isTileAtPoint(point: CGPoint) -> Bool {
return nodes(at: point).contains(where: {$0 is BoardTileNode })