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Youtube Data API v3, Receiving 403 after creating multiple streams

I am using the Youtube Data API to create live broadcasts programatically. Within the hour, I am able to create around 5-6 streams at which point I will begin to receive 403 insufficientLivePermissions error. If I wait another 30 minutes and try again, it allows me to make 2 more broadcasts but will then return 403s again.

I checked to see if my access token was expired, but it works when making listing requests. It almost seems to be that I am getting rate limited. When I check my Youtube account however, all indicators are in green so I don't believe I am abusing their API.

This is the response from the YouTube Data v3 API:

  "error": {
    "errors": [
        "domain": "youtube.liveBroadcast",
        "reason": "insufficientLivePermissions",
        "message": "Request is not authorized",
        "extendedHelp": ""
    "code": 403,
    "message": "Request is not authorized"

I am also not hitting anywhere near the Quota limits for the API. Any ideas to why the 403 insufficientLivePermissions would be much appreciated!


  • This issue means that you actually created too many live streams : if you go to and try to create a new livestream you will see :

    You are creating too many live streams. Please wait a while before creating further streams.

    I think the maximum is set to 6 to 7 streams per 24 hours.

    ps : It's really not related to the issue in the documentation (missing scopes)