I have a python function that will open a YAML file and read the data. The YAML file contains two api keys and a domain. I want to return each value in a dictionary so it can be used in the program. However I get the error
"list indices must be integers, not str".
Should I just make the variables global, so it doesn't have to return anything?
The code is:
def ImportConfig():
with open("config.yml", 'r') as ymlfile:
config = yaml.load(ymlfile)
darksky_api = config['darksky']['api_key']
gmaps_api = ['gmaps']['api_key']
gmaps_domain = ['gmaps']['domain']
return {'darksky_api_key': darksky_api, 'gmaps_api_key': gmaps_api, 'gmaps_domain': gmaps_domain }
What does it mean that the list indices must be integers? I thought curly brackets indicated a dictionary? Also is there a better way to do this?
Independent of your yaml file if you type ['xy']
a the prompt of Python you create a list with one element and if you then index that with another string:
you'll get that error.
You are missing config
in line 5 and 6 of your program:
def ImportConfig():
with open("config.yml", 'r') as ymlfile:
config = yaml.safe_load(ymlfile)
darksky_api = config['darksky']['api_key']
gmaps_api = config['gmaps']['api_key']
gmaps_domain = config['gmaps']['domain']
return {'darksky_api_key': darksky_api, 'gmaps_api_key': gmaps_api, 'gmaps_domain': gmaps_domain }
please note that using load
in PyYAML is security risk and for your data you should use safe_load()