I've got a state machine wherein if I enter a particular state, sometimes I need to have a regular transition to another state and other times I need to return to a previous state.
For example, having states A B C, say that transition S moves state A to C and from B to C. I need that a transition T moves C to A when S occurred in state A and C to B when it occurred in state B.
In the code below, transition S occurs in state B, and thus I would like for transition T to return to state B (whereas currently, it returns to state A).
#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
#include <boost/statechart/state_machine.hpp>
#include <boost/statechart/simple_state.hpp>
#include <boost/statechart/event.hpp>
#include <boost/statechart/transition.hpp>
// states
struct A;
struct B;
struct C;
struct D;
// events
struct S : boost::statechart::event<S> {};
struct T : boost::statechart::event<T> {};
struct U : boost::statechart::event<U> {};
// fsm
struct FSM : boost::statechart::state_machine<FSM, B> {};
// fully defined states/transitions
struct A : boost::statechart::simple_state<A, FSM> {
typedef boost::statechart::transition<S, C> reactions;
A() { std::cout << "entered A" << std::endl; }
struct B : boost::statechart::simple_state<B, FSM> {
typedef boost::statechart::transition<S, C> reactions;
B() { std::cout << "entered B" << std::endl; }
struct C : boost::statechart::simple_state<C, FSM> {
typedef boost::mpl::list<
boost::statechart::transition<T, A>,
boost::statechart::transition<T, B>,
boost::statechart::transition<U, D> > reactions;
C() { std::cout << "entered C" << std::endl; }
struct D : boost::statechart::simple_state<D, FSM> {
D() { std::cout << "entered D" << std::endl; }
int main() {
FSM fsm;
return 0;
The above code returns:
entered B
entered C
entered A
entered C
entered D
and I would like to instead see:
entered B
entered C
entered B
entered C
entered D
Is there any clean way to do this using Boost::Statechart?
I've found an ~okay~ way of doing this by creating an enum mapping for states, storing the previous state in the outermost context (top-level fsm), and then using a custom reaction for the T event:
#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
#include <boost/statechart/state_machine.hpp>
#include <boost/statechart/simple_state.hpp>
#include <boost/statechart/event.hpp>
#include <boost/statechart/transition.hpp>
#include <boost/statechart/custom_reaction.hpp>
// states
struct A;
struct B;
struct C;
struct D;
// state enum mapping
enum class state_mapping {
A = 0,
// events
struct S : boost::statechart::event<S> {};
struct T : boost::statechart::event<T> {};
struct U : boost::statechart::event<U> {};
// fsm
struct FSM : boost::statechart::state_machine<FSM, B> {
state_mapping previous_state = state_mapping::B;
// fully defined states/transitions
struct A : boost::statechart::simple_state<A, FSM> {
typedef boost::statechart::transition<S, C> reactions;
A() { std::cout << "entered A" << std::endl; }
virtual ~A() { outermost_context().previous_state = state_mapping::A; }
struct B : boost::statechart::simple_state<B, FSM> {
typedef boost::statechart::transition<S, C> reactions;
B() { std::cout << "entered B" << std::endl; }
virtual ~B() { outermost_context().previous_state = state_mapping::B; }
struct C : boost::statechart::simple_state<C, FSM> {
typedef boost::mpl::list<
boost::statechart::transition<U, D> > reactions;
C() { std::cout << "entered C" << std::endl; }
boost::statechart::result react(const T&) {
switch(outermost_context().previous_state) {
case state_mapping::A:
return transit<A>();
case state_mapping::B:
return transit<B>();
return discard_event();
struct D : boost::statechart::simple_state<D, FSM> {
D() { std::cout << "entered D" << std::endl; }
int main() {
FSM fsm;
return 0;