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How to align checkbutton in ttk to the left side

I want to configure stylestyle.configure('TCheckbutton', background=theme, foreground='white', anchor=tkinter.W) of tkinter.ttk.Checkbutton to align that checkbutton to the left side, because now it is in a center. Big thanks to every answer :)


  • Your question is a little unclear.

    Here is some code to illustrate what pack left, right, and no assignment will do and what anchor e, w, and no assignment will do.

    This should give you a better idea of how to use pack vs anchor and when to use it.

    from tkinter import *
    import tkinter.ttk as ttk
    root = Tk()
    packLabel = Label(root)
    packLabel.pack(side = LEFT)
    packLabel.config(text = "Packed LEFT")
    pack2Label = Label(root)
    pack2Label.config(text = "no Pack side")
    pack3Label = Label(root)
    pack3Label.pack(side = RIGHT)
    pack3Label.config(text = "Packed RIGHT")
    anchorLabel = ttk.Label(root,width = 50, background = "green", anchor = 'e')
    anchorLabel.pack(side = BOTTOM)
    anchorLabel.config(text = "anchor = 'e'")
    anchor2Label = Label(root,width = 50, background = "orange", anchor = 'w')
    anchor2Label.pack(side = BOTTOM)
    anchor2Label.config(text = "anchor = 'w'")
    anchor3Label = Label(root,width = 50, background = "black", fg = "white")
    anchor3Label.pack(side = BOTTOM)
    anchor3Label.config(text = "no anchor while packed BOTTOM")
    checkButton = ttk.Checkbutton(root)
    checkButton.config(text = "Checkbutton anchor = 'w'")
    checkButton.pack(anchor = "w") # anchor the pack for ttk.

    The resulting program should look like this: enter image description here