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What is the best practice for managing subscriptions in RxScala?

I want to control the scope for my subscriptions and even in the presence of exceptions while avoiding using var for my subscriptions

In Rx/F# I would do this

use subscription = Observable.subscribe ...

and the subscription is automatically disposed when leaving the scope.

What is the best practice in Scala?


  • My solution is to use scala-arm but I'm not sure if there is a better way to do it.

    I added an implicit conversion from Subscription to Resource and used managed resource mechanism from scala-arm like this:

    object ResourceImplicits {
      implicit val subscription2Resource = new Resource[Subscription] {
        override def close(s: Subscription): Unit = s.unsubscribe()  }
    for (s <- managed(obs.subscribe { n => println(s"n=$n")})) {
        // the subscription is alive in this scope
        // ...
    //the subscription has been unsubscribed