Im busy with a webshop and i want to echo how many orders this day has needs to delivert
I have a loop where i got the following code in:
$winkels[] = $vendor->id;
Thats good i got as i did the following code:
echo '<pre>'.print_r(array_count_values($winkels),true).'</pre>';
Than i get as result:
[63] => 1
[45] => 1
[85] => 1
[59] => 1
The results are good, but how can i echo the value of id: 63 ?
Please can somebody help me out?
For single one:-
$data = array_count_values($winkels);
echo $data[63];
For all:-
$data = array_count_values($winkels);
foreach($data as $key=>$val){
echo $key.'=>'.$val;