i try to get the result in an unpivot resultset but with more column I've never used this technique.
I got a temporary table.. with many field... but focus on listing below.
from #Slugs
IDNode_u for node in (IDNodo, IDNodoPadre, [IDNodoPadre-2], [IDNodoPadre-3], [IDNodoPadre-4], [IDNodoPadre-5], [IDNodoPadre-6])
) u
lev_u for level in (LivelloTop, [LivelloTop-1], [LivelloTop-2], [LivelloTop-3], [LivelloTop-4], [LivelloTop-5], [LivelloTop-6])
) l
The query is ok only with the first unpivot, with second add I got error: "The multi-part identifier "u.IDNodo_u" could not be bound.", but I think is bound to the second unpivot.
Can someone with me some advise? Alen Italy.
I think the easiest way to unpivot is to use cross apply
select u.IDNode_u, l.lev_u
from #slugs s cross apply
(values (IDNodo), (IDNodoPadre), ([IDNodoPadre-2]), ([IDNodoPadre-3]),
([IDNodoPadre-4]), ([IDNodoPadre-5]), ([IDNodoPadre-6])
) u(IDNode_u) cross apply
(values (LivelloTop), ([LivelloTop-1]), ([LivelloTop-2]),
([LivelloTop-3]), ([LivelloTop-4]), ([LivelloTop-5]),
) l(lev_u);
I think you intend:
select ul.IDNode_u, ul.lev_u
from #slugs s cross apply
(values (IDNodo, LivelloTop),
(IDNodoPadre, [LivelloTop-1]),
([IDNodoPadre-2], [LivelloTop-2]),
([IDNodoPadre-3], [LivelloTop-3]),
([IDNodoPadre-4], [LivelloTop-4]),
([IDNodoPadre-5], [LivelloTop-5]),
([IDNodoPadre-6], [LivelloTop-6])
) ul(IDNode_u, lev_u) ;