I need to show at my Homepage a list with all the files added/changed as Bootstrap Filer plugin to my Django CMS project. I was using the LogEntry model, but it doesn't save Add actions to LogEntry instances. What I need is something like that:
Latest Changes:
My problem is that the Add's actions are not saved at LogEntry model... Every time I add, for example, Bootstrap Filer Plugin and add a PDF it doesn't save a new Entry instance of it, only when I delete it. How do I change the default behavior to save Plugin's Add Actions (specially Bootstrap Filer File) at LogEntry Models?
The website is a platform to help insurance brokers to sell. The prices of different companies changes on monthly basis. And every time a new Price table change I need to show in a Latest changes / updates section.
My models.py
poll = list(LogEntry.objects.all())
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(self.poll)
My template:
{% for poll in instance.poll %}
{% if poll.content_type_id == 54 %} <!-- Bootstrap Files Plugin Content Type -->
{{poll.action_time.date }} - {{ poll.object_repr }} - {{ poll.object_repr }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
What's the best way to do that?
If the Bootstrap3FilePlugin model suits your needs but you'd like to change its behaviour, the best thing to do is to subclass it.
It will be something like this:
Create a module of your own containing the new code.
Subclass the plugin model
from aldryn_bootstrap3.models import Bootstrap3FilePlugin
class MyNewBootstrap3FilePlugin(Bootstrap3FilePlugin):
Add a new field, for example:
last_updated = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
See the DateTimeField/DateField reference.
You will also need to subclass the Bootstrap3FileCMSPlugin plugin class to point at a new template:
render_template = <whatever>
that will display the new last_updated