I have a Model that stores a FileReference
. And now I want to create an Image with a Watermark in the Extbase Controller. Does anybody know where I have to look for? I only found solutions with typoscript.
I think the easiest way will be to use a typoscript solution. This must not be as pure typoscript, but the datastructure of the typoscript might be needed as parameter to the core functions of the GifBuilder class. TYPO3 7.6 API
The GifBuilder class is inherited from the class GraphicalFunctions which can be used also, as there are only a few additions and the main functionality is here.
The last problem are the examples in the net according this task: they are pibased and all of them end up in something like
$img = $this->cObj->IMAGE($typoScriptArray);
in modern (namespaced) notation using current API this would be:
$gifCreator = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\GifBuilder::class);
if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['gdlib']) {
$gifCreator->start($fileArray, $typoScriptArray);
$theImage = $gifCreator->gifBuild();