I am using SQL Server with my application.
The Table data is as following :
And I want result in following format:
I have tried with split function
but its not working properly.
Is it possible to get such a result.
Please suggest.
Thank you.
Try this. I did not manage to get a single Not Req, it is like this ("Not Req/Not Req").
drop table if exists dbo.TableB;
create table dbo.TableB (
OldSPC varchar(100)
, old_freq varchar(100)
, NewSPC varchar(100)
, new_freq varchar(100)
insert into dbo.TableB(OldSPC, old_freq, NewSPC, new_freq)
values ('ADH,BAP', '7,7', 'ADH,BAP', '7,7')
, ('Not Req', 'Not Req', 'ADH,BAP', '7,7')
, ('BAP,EXT,ADL', '35,7,42', 'BAP,EXT,BAP,ADL', '21,7,35,42');
, tt2.NewSPCNewFreq
from (
t.OldSPC, t.old_freq, t.NewSPC, t.new_freq
, STRING_AGG(t1.value + '/' + t2.value, ',') OldSPCOldFreq
from dbo.TableB t
cross apply (
ROW_NUMBER () over (order by t.OldSPC) as Rbr
, ss.value
from string_split (t.OldSPC, ',') ss
) t1
cross apply (
ROW_NUMBER () over (order by t.old_freq) as Rbr
, ss.value
from string_split (t.old_freq, ',') ss
) t2
where t1.Rbr = t2.Rbr
group by t.OldSPC, t.old_freq, t.NewSPC, t.new_freq
) tt1
inner join (
t.OldSPC, t.old_freq, t.NewSPC, t.new_freq
, STRING_AGG(t3.value + '/' + t4.value, ',') NewSPCNewFreq
from dbo.TableB t
cross apply (
ROW_NUMBER () over (order by t.NewSPC) as Rbr
, ss.value
from string_split (t.NewSPC, ',') ss
) t3
cross apply (
ROW_NUMBER () over (order by t.new_freq) as Rbr
, ss.value
from string_split (t.new_freq, ',') ss
) t4
where t3.Rbr = t4.Rbr
group by t.OldSPC, t.old_freq, t.NewSPC, t.new_freq
) tt2 on tt1.OldSPC = tt2.OldSPC
and tt1.old_freq = tt2.old_freq
and tt1.NewSPC = tt2.NewSPC
and tt1.new_freq = tt2.new_freq