I install the nodemon for my node project.
And I use "--watch app" command to watch the file change.
When I modify other files, it works well, I can see the auto restart log on the screen ( Windows powershell ).
However, when I modify the template engine file (path: app/view/index.nj), they do not restart automaticlly.
How to resolve this problem?
Here is a part of "package.json" file
"scripts": {
"dev": "nodemon --watch app --ignore app/static/css --ignore app/static/js ./dev.js"
Nodemon only restarts if .js and .coffee files are changed by default. You have to pass the extension to the nodemon.
"scripts": {
"dev": "nodemon -e js,html,nj --watch app --ignore app/static/css --ignore app/static/js ./dev.js"