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MS-Access query to DELETE * FROM multiple tables

In my Access database I have 15 tables. I want to perform [DELETE * FROM table4, table7, table8, table9, table10, table11]. That does not work, but when I run the query with one table it works, it deletes all the records in that table. I would like it to work for more than one table in a single query or in a single Visual Basic module.

Maybe I don't understand SQL and maybe this has to be done with Visual Basic?


  • MS Access' stored SQL queries only allow one DML or DDL statement at a time. For iterative actions, consider running action query in a loop using application layer code such as VBA or any language that can ODBC connect to .mdb/.accdb file. Also, DELETE does not need asterisk in MS Access SQL.

    VBA (using built-in DAO CurrentDb object)

    Dim var as Variant
    For Each var In Array("table4", "table7", "table8", "table9", "table10", "table11")
       CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE FROM " & var, dbFailOnError
    Next var


    Python (using pyodbc module)

    import pyodbc
    database = 'C:\\Path\\To\\Database\\File.accdb'
    constr = "Driver={{Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)}};DBQ={0};".format(database)
    db = pyodbc.connect(constr)
    cur = db.cursor()
    for i in ["table4", "table7", "table8", "table9", "table10", "table11"]:
        cur.execute("DELETE FROM {}".format(i))

    PHP (ensure pdo_odbc is uncommented in .ini file)

    try {
      $dbh = new PDO("odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=$database;");
      foreach(array("table4", "table7", "table8", "table9", "table10", "table11") as $tbl){
           $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$tbl;    
           $STH = $dbh->query($sql);    
    catch(PDOException $e) {  
      echo $e->getMessage()."\n";
    $dbh = null;

    R (using RDOBC package)

    database <- "C:\\Path\\To\\Database\\File.accdb"
    conn <- odbcDriverConnect(paste0('Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};
                                      DBQ=', database))
    lapply(c("table4", "table7", "table8", "table9", "table10", "table11"),
              function(t) sqlQuery(conn, paste0("DELETE FROM ", t)))