Result so Far The Data I have gotten this far with some help and I'm not quite sure on what to do to add some organization.
So the following code works. When I double-click an employee's name that is hyperlinked a message box appears with a list of information from a different sheet. What I want to do is place the column header from that list in front of each of the listed items.
the loop 1 to 12 basically grabs a list of different information and I'm looking for a way to title each item in that list to make the list more clear. Here is the code I have now
****Dim iLoop As Integer
Dim strHolder As String '<~ string that will hold the details
For iLoop = 1 To 12 '<~ change this to your requirements
strHolder = strHolder & rEmployee.Offset(0, iLoop - 1).Value & vbNewLine
MsgBox strHolder
End Sub****
In your example, to get the column heading placed before the content of the 12 cell's in your MsgBox, you can use the values found in row 1 of that sheet. If you want something other than the first row as the prefix, you will need to adjust the code to.
For iLoop = 1 To 12
strHolder = strHolder & ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Employee and Job List").Cells(1, iLoop) & _
": " & vbTab & rEmployee.Offset(0, iLoop - 1).Value & vbNewLine