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Angular 2: How to mock ChangeDetectorRef while unit testing

I have just started with Unit-Testing, and I have been able to mock my own services and some of Angular and Ionic as well, but no matter what I do ChangeDetectorRef stays the same.

I mean which kind of sorcery is this?

beforeEach(async(() => 
      declarations: [MyComponent],
      providers: [
        Form, DomController, ToastController, AlertController,

        {provide: Platform, useClass: PlatformMock},
          provide: NavParams,
          useValue: new NavParams({data: new PageData().Data})
        {provide: ChangeDetectorRef, useClass: ChangeDetectorRefMock}

      imports: [
    .overrideComponent(MyComponent, {
      set: {
        providers: [
          {provide: ChangeDetectorRef, useClass: ChangeDetectorRefMock},
        viewProviders: [
          {provide: ChangeDetectorRef, useClass: ChangeDetectorRefMock},
    .then(() => {
      let fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);
      let cmp = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;

      let cdRef = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(ChangeDetectorRef);

      console.log(cdRef); // logs ChangeDetectorRefMock
      console.log(cmp.cdRef); // logs ChangeDetectorRef , why ??

 it('fails no matter what', async(() => {
    spyOn(cdRef, 'markForCheck');
    spyOn(cmp.cdRef, 'markForCheck');


    expect(cdRef.markForCheck).toHaveBeenCalled();  // fail, why ??
    expect(cmp.cdRef.markForCheck).toHaveBeenCalled(); // success

    console.log(cdRef); // logs ChangeDetectorRefMock
    console.log(cmp.cdRef); // logs ChangeDetectorRef , why ??

export class MyComponent {
 constructor(private cdRef: ChangeDetectorRef){}

 ngOnInit() {
   // do something

I have tried everything , async, fakeAsync, injector([ChangeDetectorRef], () => {}).

Nothing works.


  • Update 2020:

    I wrote this originally in May 2017, it's a solution that worked great at the time and still works.

    We can't configure the injection of a changeDetectorRef mock through the test bed, so this is what I am doing these days:

     it('detects changes', () => {
          // This is a unique instance here, brand new
          const changeDetectorRef = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(ChangeDetectorRef); 
          // So, I am spying directly on the prototype.
          const detectChangesSpy = spyOn(changeDetectorRef.constructor.prototype, 'detectChanges');
          component.someMethod(); // Which internally calls the detectChanges.

    Then you don't care about private attributes or any.

    In case anyone runs into this, this is one way that has worked well for me:

    As you are injecting the ChangeDetectorRef instance in your constructor:

     constructor(private cdRef: ChangeDetectorRef) { }

    You have that cdRef as one of the private attributes on the component, which means you can spy on the component, stub that attribute and have it return whatever you want. Also, you can assert its calls and parameters, as needed.

    In your spec file, call your TestBed without providing the ChangeDetectorRef as it won't provide what you give it. Set the component that same beforeEach block, so it is reset between specs as it is done in the docs here:

    component = fixture.componentInstance;

    Then in the tests, spy directly on the attribute

    describe('someMethod()', () => {
      it('calls detect changes', () => {
        const spy = spyOn((component as any).cdRef, 'detectChanges');

    With the spy you can use .and.returnValue() and have it return whatever you need.

    Notice that (component as any) is used as cdRef is a private attribute. But private doesn't exist in the actual compiled javascript so it is accessible.

    It is up to you if you want to access private attributes at runtime that way for your tests.