First off, this is a very broad question, and it might come across as me asking for the community to write my code for me. That is not my intent, but I am so lost, I don't know how to give enough information.
I am attempting to use the cJSON library, written by Dave Gamble, I found this is very useful to use for my embedded device for JSON parse and composing.
to read in the following JSON array
"name": "Jack",
"format": {
"type": "rect",
"width": 1920, }
.. and parsing the getting the object worked with this method
cJSON *format = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json,"format");
int framerate = cJSON_GetObjectItem(format,"width")->valueint;
but I am not able to parse the key "name" and object simple key value ,
I tried this
cJSON *array = cJSON_GetArrayItem(json,"types");
int value = cJSON_GetArrayItem(format1,1)->valueint;
but did not work, how to parse the array object and simple key value..
I think JSON element should respect key:value format.
"name": "Jack",
"types":[{"type" : 23}, {"type" : 56}, {"type":78}],
"format": {
"type": "rect",
"width": 1920, }