I want to export huge data(about 5 millions rows with 2 columns) from sql server management studio into excel file, but the maximum size of excel file is around 1400000 rows
i tried import and export wizard but it does not work perfectly it returns 60000 records then the error occur:
when i choose the destination file, i should use one of excel versions if i choose 'Microsoft Excel 2007' the message appear(the 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.(System.Date)) so i chose 'Microsoft excel 97-2003'
i want to export data to excel or access.
any suggestion?
"i want to export data to excel or access."
Therefore import it to Access. 2007 has an overall 2GB Table size limitation, but no row limitation (that I can remember).
Excel ain't gonna work for you. 2003 (and other's when running in 2003 compatability mode) have a limitation of 65,535 rows, 2007+ 1,048,576 rows.