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Filter subform table with textbox

I am trying to filter a subform with a textbox.

I have a query to show table records in the subform and I have the criteria to filter the table, but when I type in the textbox to filter the sub form it only shows me one record with that name. I need it to show me all the names.

The criteria for my query is below.

Like "*" & [Forms]![frmPlanningForecast]![FETextbox].[Text] & "*"

I then have an OnChange event on the textbox to requery the subform.

As mentioned above I need it to show me all the records matching what i have typed, not just one.

When I use the filter option within the table itself(Dropdown box on the field header) and select the filter from there, it works great. But I need it to be typed into a textbox.

The picture attached will show you what I mean, I have "EQ" typed in the text box but it has only returned 1 record when their are 15 called "EQ" on the table. Example


  • First of all add single quotes around Like parameter:

    Like "'*" & [Forms]![frmPlanningForecast]![FETextbox] & "*'" 

    and second - Access has an old bug: if you refer in the query to form field like you did, it doesn't renew the value, used for criteria during Requery, you always will receive the same results. Workaround - replace reference to field by global function, which returns textbox value or use dynamic generating of RecordSource for subform.

    Global function example:

    Public Function GetFE() As Variable
        GetFE = [Forms]![frmPlanningForecast]![FETextbox]
    End Function

    Place it in any standard VBA module. Then your Like will look like this:

    Like "'*" & GetFE() & "*'"