Here is my problem: I'm developing a Symfony project which accesses telephony and email data from OVH API. Since I'm working in local, I've never met any problems, the API connection was working and I could recover all data.
Yesterday I deployed my project online on an OVH hosting, and when I launch a command from the SSH panel, I get cURL error 7.
The problem doesn't come from the API because I call it in my Controller and I don't get any errors.
My command is :
(php/5.6/production/) ~/www $ php bin/console converseo:updateTelephony
And the error I get :
cURL error 7: Failed to connect to Network is unreachable (
I don't know why this command works on localhost and in my controller, but doesn't work online.
I've got a similar problem in the past with SSH.
I resolved it by creating a CRON task in OVH admin menu. This CRON task call
cd /home/yourpath
/usr/local/php5.6/bin/php bin/console converseo:updateTelephony
It was ok for me because I needed to execute the command only sometimes in the day. I hope it will helps you.
If you need to launch this command in a specific moment, I think you will need to upgrade your hosting account(vps for example) and type the command directly on the server.