I have form in which I have data picker, and select2 (customize drop down to search) and many inputs, text area fields when I press tab button to move the next field its working fine but when next field is date picker or select2 then tab index is not working I want generically solution and in all browsers. currently i am doing static solution like to get id of one div then Prop tab index with 1 value.
$scope.focusFunctionZipV = function(Id){
var div = '#' + Id;
$(div).prop('tabindex', '1');
//zipV is a div having zip code with select2
if(div == '#zipV'){
$('.datepicker-simple').prop('tabindex', '0');
You should get the id select2 ID then on close event refer focus to next field.
$('#currentDiv').select2().on("select2:close", function (e) {
and for date picker
onSelect: function(dateText, inst) {
and for simple input fields tab is working fine.