I have the following sequence of Selenium code, written with Node.js:
it('tests cookies', t => {
driver.manage().getCookies().then(function (cookies) {
console.log('all cookies => ', cookies);
driver.manage().addCookie({name:'foo', value: 'bar'});
driver.manage().getCookies().then(function (cookies) {
console.log('all cookies => ', cookies);
return driver.manage().getCookies().then(function (cookies) {
console.log('all cookies => ', cookies);
and I get this output:
all cookies => []
all cookies => []
all cookies => []
anybody know why the addCookie functionality wouldn't work? I am not sure I understand why this wouldn't yield some cookies in the cookie jar.
The problem is that cookie domain is not defined. You need to navigate to some URL before you can work with cookies. Try adding driver.get('<some_url>')
before getting all the cookies and after setting a new cookie.
it('tests cookies', t => {
driver.get(''); // <-- This will set the domain
driver.manage().getCookies().then(function (cookies) {
console.log('all cookies => ', cookies);
driver.manage().addCookie({name:'foo', value: 'bar'});
driver.get(''); // <-- Navigate again after setting a new cookie
driver.manage().getCookies().then(function (cookies) {
console.log('all cookies => ', cookies);
return driver.manage().getCookies().then(function (cookies) {
console.log('all cookies => ', cookies);
See this as well: Selenium JS add cookie to request