I'm having some problems trying to output my compiled Typescript files to my parent directory. Let's say I have a structure like this:
| src
| test.ts
| test2.ts
In this example, I want my compiled test.js and test2.js files to still appear in the routes directory, but not in an src folder. Can anyone give me some guidance? Here's what my Grunt task looks like:
ts: {
app: {
files: {
src: ["**/\*/src/*.ts", "!node_modules/**/*.ts"],
dest: "."
options: {
module: "commonjs",
noLib: true,
target: "es6",
sourceMap: false
I want my compiled test.js and test2.js files to still appear in the routes directory, but not in an src folder.
Recommend lib
| src
| test.ts
| test2.ts
| lib
| test.js
| test2.js
The option you are looking for is outDir
See docs https://github.com/TypeStrong/grunt-ts for more.