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SSIS ragged file not recognized CRLF

In SSIS, I try to load data from a flat file. The flat file have fixed width columns, but some column are not present in a row (a column can have a CRLF, which must be a new line) like this

a    b      c
the  first  rowok<CRLF>
iu   jjrjdd<CRLF>
this is a   newline<CRLF>

How I can have exactly the same number of line and exact data in my output?

I setup a flat file connection, of ragged right type.

In this sample, row 1 is correctly retrieve, but for row 2, it didn't recognize CRLF, and put in b column all the 3rd row.


  • Workaround

    1. In the flat file connection manager read the whole line as one Column (add only one column of type DT_STR and length 4000)

    enter image description here

    1. Then in the dataflow task add a script component
    2. Add three output column (a,b,c) of type DT_STR

    enter image description here

    1. write a script that split each row and put values in columns (if one value is missed then null) (i used

    Tab delimited columns

        Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
            If Not Row.Column0_IsNull AndAlso
                    Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Row.Column0.Trim) Then
                Dim str() As String = Row.Column0.Split(CChar(vbTab))
                If str.Length >= 3 Then
                    Row.a = str(0)
                    Row.b = str(1)
                    Row.c = str(2)
                ElseIf str.Length = 2 Then
                    Row.a = str(0)
                    Row.b = str(1)
                    Row.c_IsNull = True
                ElseIf str.Length = 1 Then
                    Row.a = str(0)
                    Row.b_IsNull = True
                    Row.c_IsNull = True
                    Row.a_IsNull = True
                    Row.b_IsNull = True
                    Row.c_IsNull = True
                End If
                Row.a_IsNull = True
                Row.b_IsNull = True
                Row.c_IsNull = True
            End If
        End Sub

    Fixed width columns

    Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
        If Not Row.Column0_IsNull AndAlso
                    Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Row.Column0.Trim) Then
            'Assuming that
            'Col a => 0-5
            'Col b => 5-15
            'Col c => 15-
            Dim intlength As Integer = Row.Column0.Length
            If intlength <= 5 Then
                Row.a = Row.Column0
                Row.b_IsNull = True
                Row.c_IsNull = True
            ElseIf intlength > 5 AndAlso intlength <= 15 Then
                Row.a = Row.Column0.Substring(0, 5)
                Row.b = Row.Column0.Substring(5, 10)
                Row.c_IsNull = True
            ElseIf intlength > 15 Then
                Row.a = Row.Column0.Substring(0, 5)
                Row.b = Row.Column0.Substring(5, 10)
                Row.c = Row.Column0.Substring(15)
            End If
            Row.a_IsNull = True
            Row.b_IsNull = True
            Row.c_IsNull = True
        End If
    End Sub

    You can also achieve this using derived column transformation