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How do you read a set of atomic propositions?

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I am given the above system for atomic propositions {a,b,c}.

I'm then meant to say if certain LTL formulae hold (such as ♢☐c).

I understand what the LTL formulae mean (eventually forever c holds) but I have no idea how to read the diagram and relate it to the LTL.

I assume it's like a flow chart in that we start from the top left, /{a} and can go through the different states. But what does each of it mean divided by a?


  • Looks like FSM/transduser rather than a Kripke structure. Input/output or more generally precondition/postcondition is a common notation for FSM and its kin. precondition/postcondition (a and b and ...) / (x and y and...). So a in the state q1. In next states either only b in q4 or b and c or q3. Might be of course or instead of and in precondition, otherwise the system might halt..