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Laravel how to check validate unique table two field

I have tableA that there are 2 field

1. song_id
2. playlist_id

I want to check laravel validate unique func example: I have inserted data

id =>  1
song_id => 2
playlist_id => 34

then I have to insert data again I want to check that if playlist_id => 34 already inserted song_id = 2 show message "already insert" but if playlist_id => 34 insert song_id = 3 allow insert

thank you for your help!


  • This is the rule that need to apply. Tested with sample data and it works as desired.

    use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;
    $playlist_id = request('playlist_id');
    $rules = [
        'song_id' => Rule::unique('tableA')->where(function ($query) use ($playlist_id) {
            $query->where('playlist_id', $playlist_id);

    Sample condition

    DB data
    song_id     playlist_id
    2           34
    3           34
    Request data
    song_id     playlist_id     validation
    2           34              fail
    3           34              fail
    4           34              success
    2           35              success
    3           35              success

    Sample test code

    $data = [
        'song_id' => 2,
        'playlist_id' => 34,
    $playlist_id = $data['playlist_id'];
    $validator = \Validator::make($data, [
        'song_id' => Rule::unique('tableA')->where(function ($query) use ($playlist_id) {
            $query->where('playlist_id', $playlist_id);
    if ($validator->fails()) {
        // handle failed validation