I am a bit surprised by the fact that np.ma.masked_equal
or masked_values
does not create a mask of False if the value is not in the array, but instead a scalar.
Example :
y = np.arange(10)
yy = np.ma.masked_equal(y,0)
yields a masked array withe the mask being an array of 10 False values, while
y = np.arange(1,10)
yy = np.ma.masked_equal(y,0)
yields a masked array with the mask set to the scalar False. As a result, given that in my code I do not know beforehand whether the mask match any entry in the array, I am forced to check explicitly:
if np.isscalar(yy.mask):
This seems an overwork to me. What is the reason for this behavior, and is there a way to avoid it?
You can simply create the MaskedArray
yy = np.ma.MaskedArray(y, mask=(y==0))
It seems that NumPy tries to minimize the memory requirements and speed up the computations in case the MaskedArray
is unmasked.
Value indicating that a masked array has no invalid entry.
is used internally to speed up computations when the mask is not needed.
If you check:
>>> np.ma.nomask
So the single False
represents "no mask". So you could also check maskedarr.mask is np.ma.nomask
(it's a garantueed constant):
yy = some_operation_that_creates_a_masked_array
if yy.mask is np.ma.nomask:
yy.mask = np.zeros(yy.shape, dtype=bool)
That carries a bit more context then np.isscalar