I'm using SharedPreferences to store the value of multiple checkboxes and some strings, and it's doing well. When I try to use it to store the value of a switch it doesn't work, and keep getting the default value.
I initialize like this
SharedPreferences.Editor editor;
SharedPreferences prefs;
I put this on "onCreate"
editor = getSharedPreferences(FirstStart.MY_PREFS_NAME, MODE_PRIVATE).edit();
prefs = getSharedPreferences(FirstStart.MY_PREFS_NAME, MODE_PRIVATE);
And then I'm testing it on the "onClick" event of the switch (I'm using toasts to test)
public void clickSwitchAlarm(View view) {
editor.putBoolean("swAlarma", swAlarm.isChecked());
Toast.makeText(MainMenu.this, "isChecked() value: " + swAlarm.isChecked(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
//Toast.makeText(MainMenu.this, "getBoolean value: " + prefs.getBoolean("swAlarma", false), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
When I check the "isChecked()" value it works fine, but when I check the SharedPreferences stored value it shows the default.
Does anybody know what's happening here? Thank you!
(Working with API15)
After putting the value inside the editor, you must confirm the operation by calling commit()
or apply()
method`s :
Otherwise your operation will not be validated and the value will not be saved.