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Why is this mixed integer program so inefficient to solve?

I'm trying to solve a MIP using GLPK and CBC, and neither solver can efficiently find the solution. The GLPK solver log shows that it quickly finds a solution that is within 0.1% of the true optimum, but then takes forever trying to find that true optimum.

I know I can use the miptol arg to set a tolerance -- my question is, what about this problem causes the solver to be so inefficient finding the true optimum? I routinely solve versions of this problem with slightly different inputs and they solve in less than a second.

Here is a file with my problem specification which can be run in GLPK with glpsol --cpxlp anonymizedlp.lp.

And below is some of the GLPK log -- you'll see that a near optimal MIP solution is found within 54K iterations, and then the branch tree just starts growing and growing:

GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.61
Parameter(s) specified in the command line:
 --cpxlp /var/folders/g6/fs71g8j575v4_whqythqw7h40000gn/T/11446-pulp.lp -o
Reading problem data from '/var/folders/g6/fs71g8j575v4_whqythqw7h40000gn/T/11446-pulp.lp'...
664 rows, 781 columns, 2576 non-zeros
443 integer variables, 338 of which are binary
3195 lines were read
GLPK Integer Optimizer, v4.61
664 rows, 781 columns, 2576 non-zeros
443 integer variables, 338 of which are binary
213 constraint coefficient(s) were reduced
524 rows, 652 columns, 2246 non-zeros
318 integer variables, 213 of which are binary
 A: min|aij| =  1.282e-01  max|aij| =  1.060e+07  ratio =  8.267e+07
GM: min|aij| =  7.573e-01  max|aij| =  1.320e+00  ratio =  1.744e+00
EQ: min|aij| =  6.108e-01  max|aij| =  1.000e+00  ratio =  1.637e+00
2N: min|aij| =  3.881e-01  max|aij| =  1.355e+00  ratio =  3.491e+00
Constructing initial basis...
Size of triangular part is 524
Solving LP relaxation...
GLPK Simplex Optimizer, v4.61
524 rows, 652 columns, 2246 non-zeros
      0: obj =  -0.000000000e+00 inf =   2.507e+02 (195)
    238: obj =  -5.821025664e+06 inf =   0.000e+00 (0)
*   363: obj =  -7.015287886e+04 inf =   0.000e+00 (0) 1
Integer optimization begins...
+   363: mip =     not found yet <=              +inf        (1; 0)
+  8606: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (8239; 0)
+ 13027: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (12660; 0)
+ 16367: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (16000; 0)
+ 19135: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (18768; 0)
+ 21523: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (21156; 0)
+ 23667: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (23300; 0)
+ 25415: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (25048; 0)
+ 27260: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (26893; 0)
+ 29055: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (28688; 0)
+ 30770: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (30403; 0)
+ 32362: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (31995; 0)
Time used: 60.0 secs.  Memory used: 14.1 Mb.
+ 33876: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (33509; 0)
+ 35338: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (34971; 0)
+ 36721: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (36354; 0)
+ 38080: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (37713; 0)
+ 39372: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (39005; 0)
+ 40601: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (40234; 0)
+ 41837: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (41470; 0)
+ 43036: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (42669; 0)
+ 44192: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (43825; 0)
+ 45350: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (44983; 0)
+ 46374: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (46007; 0)
+ 47281: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (46914; 0)
Time used: 120.0 secs.  Memory used: 20.4 Mb.
+ 48220: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (47853; 0)
+ 49195: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (48828; 0)
+ 50131: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (49764; 0)
+ 51110: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (50743; 0)
+ 52131: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (51764; 0)
+ 53092: mip =     not found yet <=  -7.015289436e+04        (52725; 0)
+ 53901: >>>>>  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015289436e+04 < 0.1% (53532; 0)
+ 61014: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (57365; 3302)
+ 64785: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (61136; 3302)
+ 67671: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (64022; 3302)
+ 70330: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (66681; 3302)
+ 72613: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (68964; 3302)
+ 74731: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (71082; 3302)
Time used: 180.0 secs.  Memory used: 29.9 Mb.
+ 76685: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (73036; 3302)
+ 78508: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (74859; 3302)
+ 80220: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (76571; 3302)
+ 81852: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (78203; 3302)
+ 83368: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (79719; 3302)
+ 84815: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (81166; 3302)
+ 86126: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (82477; 3302)
+ 87358: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (83709; 3302)
+ 88612: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (84963; 3302)
+ 89821: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (86172; 3302)
+ 90989: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (87340; 3302)
+ 92031: mip =  -7.015398607e+04 <=  -7.015290061e+04 < 0.1% (88382; 3302)


  • SCIP is able to solve the problem within a fraction of a second. Three heuristics (locks, shifting and oneopt) produce increasingly good solutions until the dual bound is hit. It's solved in the root node and without any cutting planes.

    Without presolving, which removes half of the constraints and half of the binary variables, SCIP needs a bit longer to solve it. It's still solved in the root node with only very few cutting planes added and the same heuristics find the 3 integer feasible solutions, including the optimal one.

    Although this does not answer your question regarding why this problem is hard for GLPK or CBC, it's at least not hard for SCIP, which is also open source and free for academics. Most likely one of the heuristics is not implemented in the other solvers, because disabling heuristics in SCIP makes it much harder to find the solution - branching simply doesn't solve this problem.

    You need to have the right heuristic.