I want to generate numbers from 0 to 9000000. In Oracle, I can use the below code. How do I do this in Sybase ASE?
This is in Oracle:
SELECT level Num
How to do this in Sybase ASE?
I cannot create a table and add an identity, because I need the numbers from 1 to 9000000, so a table will be complex. Is there a query to do this?
In Sybase IQ, there's a system procedure that can be used to generate numbers: sa_rowgenerator
You could have done :
SELECT row_num FROM sa_rowgenerator( 1, 9000000);
I don't know Sybase ASE at all, so I googled it and have found that this procedure isn't available in ASE, but that an alternative exists :
The SQL Anywhere system procedures sa_rowgenerator, sa_split_list, and sa_conn_info are not supported by ASE. An ASE master database contains a table, spt_values, that can be used to SELECT integer values in a way similar to that of the sa_rowgenerator procedure, or SQL Anywhere’s dbo.row_generator system table.
Source : Migrating SQL Anywhere database applications to ASE
This table spt_values
containing integer numbers is incredibly NOT documented. It's like a ghost table.
I suggest that you give this a try :
select number
FROM master.dbo.spt_values
WHERE number BETWEEN 0 AND 9000000
But I am not responsible if your database system explodes ;-)