I have a goal that looks like this:
x \in [seq (f v j) | j <- enum 'I_m & P v j] -> 0 < x
In the above, f
is a definition generating a solution of an inequality depending on v, j
and P v j
is a predicate restricting j to indices which satisfy another inequality.
I have already proven that Goal : P v j -> (f v j > 0)
, but how can I use this to prove that it holds for any x
in the sequence? I have found just a few relevant lemmas like nthP
which introduce sequence manipulation, which I'm very unfamiliar with.
Thanks in advance!
You need to use the mapP
lemma (that characterizes mem
bership wrt map
Lemma U m (P : rel 'I_m) f v x (hp : forall j, P v j -> f v j > 0) :
x \in [seq f v j | j <- enum 'I_m & P v j] -> 0 < x.
Proof. by case/mapP=> [y]; rewrite mem_filter; case/andP=> /hp ? _ ->. Qed.