The documentation for AWS SNS and SQS have sections about message attributes. But there is no explanation how to have SQS message attributes when that queue is subscribed to a SNS topic.
Is there a way to configure AWS SNS to add particular message attributes to the SQS messages send via the subscription?
Note: See other answer for better response, using Raw Message Delivery
While the Using Amazon SNS Message Attributes documentation sending Amazon SNS message attributes to Amazon SQS, it appears that the attributes are sent in the body of the message rather than being attached as message attributes on the resulting Amazon SQS messages.
For example, I did the following:
I published via the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI):
aws sns publish --topic-arn arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:foo --message msg --subject subj --message-attributes '{"somename" : { "DataType":"String", "StringValue":"somevalue"}}'
(I got syntax help from map datatype in aws cli)
The resulting message in SQS showed the attributes as part of the message:
"Type" : "Notification",
"MessageId" : "53e3adad-723a-5eae-a7b7-fc0468ec2d37",
"TopicArn" : "arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:foo",
"Subject" : "subj",
"Message" : "msg",
"Timestamp" : "2017-05-29T12:48:22.186Z",
"MessageAttributes" : {
"somename" : {"Type":"String","Value":"somevalue"}
It would be much nicer if these attributes were attached to the SQS message as official SQS attributes. Alas, it seems this is not the case.