If I only want to return Proposals that are published but not expired, is this possible with Pundit?
So far, I have this:
class ProposalPolicy < ApplicationPolicy
class Scope < Scope
def resolve
if @user.admin?
scope.where(published: true)
One work around is to write extra code in the index
action of my Proposal controller to further filter the list of Proposals instances down to non-expired proposals.
I am hoping there's some magical syntax like this:
scope.where({published: true, expire_date > Time.now })
Any ideas? :D
You can either do this in a single where
scope.where('published = ? AND expire_date > ?', true, Time.now)
Or, split into two:
scope.where(published: true)
.where('expire_date > ?', Time.now)
As for where this logic should go, that's up to you.
If it's really a restriction of the policy (i.e. only admins are allowed to see expired/unpublished proposals), then put it in the Pundit scope.
On the other hand, if non-admins are just being shown a filtered list for convenience (but can still view expired/unpublished proposals by some other means), then I'd rather put this query in the controller.