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Why is this pure virtual method not compiling?

I use a pure virtual method as shown in the code below.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Advertisment
   vitual void price (int Uchrg, int no_of_unt) = 0;

class TVadvertisment : public Advertisment
   void price (int Uchrg, int no_of_unt)
      int adPrice = Uchrg * no_of_unt;
      cout << "Advertisment Price: " << adPrice;

int main()
   TVadvertisment T;
   T.price(1000, 60);
   return 0;

As I know a pure virtual function will be declared as virtual void display() = 0;. But the Code::Blocks compiler show an error because of this = 0. Without that it will compile successfully.

And also I didn't use pointers to call methods of derived class.


  • Your function is pure virtual, which means the method is virtual and not even implemented in the base class (= 0). So you have to delete the block after it.

    It has to be:

    virtual price(int Uchrg, int no_of_unt) = 0;

    without the { }.

    Virtual means, that classes that inherit from a base class can override the method and called via the base class interface. If a class has a pure virtual method, the class is abstract and this function needs to be overridden by classes that inherit from that base class to be instantiated.

    In short:


    virtual price(int Uchrg, int no_of_unt)
       // Implementation

    Has an implementation is the base class. Sub classes does not need to override, but they can. The class is not abstract and can be instanciated.

    Pure virtual:

    virtual price(int Uchrg, int no_of_unt) = 0; // No implementation

    There is no implementation, the sub classes must override this to be not abstract.

    Call a virtual method via base class:

    Base* pBase = new Derived;

    The method is called via the interface of the base class, but it will be the derived class' method.