There are several WSPs that I am trying to install, all of which were upgraded properly in SP2013 environment, but when I am trying to upgrade them in SP2016 then it is not working.
I am using a command of Solution.Upgrade to upgrade them.
Here's the error message received:
Type: Core Solution
Contains Web Application Resource: No
Contains Global Assembly: Yes
Contains Code Access Security Policy: No
Deployment Server Type: Front-end Web server
Deployment Status: Error
Deployed To: Globally deployed.
Last Operation Result: Some of the files failed to copy during deployment of the solution.
Last Operation Details: The solution has not been upgraded.
Last Operation Time: 5/17/2017 5:23 AM
Can any one tell me why?
I am able to resolve this issue by seeing the logs carefully. While looking in to the logs I have found out that due to some reason Timer Service is stopped before my Upgrade code is run. So put a code to check the timer service status and if it is stopped then I started it again.
If you don't want to check for the stopped service. you can simply stop the service and start it again.
This hack has resolved my issue and now every wsp is deployed successfully.